Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Flu Shots are the Miracle to Everything?

This post, is about 5 months too late. This should have been one of the first posts. I do not, absolutely do not agree with Flu shots. Where I am currently employed I had to push flu shots, which I didn't and had to be told many times to offer them. Why I am so against them, you may ask? Well that is a great question, since I'm sure the thoughts that are going through your mind are: The Pharmaceutical Industry state that they are good and help prevent the common cold, H1N1, and etc. They wouldn't offer Flu Shots if they didn't work. I've got a flu shot and I never get sick… blah blah blah. Sorry for my rudeness but, honestly the Pharmaceutical sector is not out for the best interests of the people, flu shots do not improve your immune system, they are actually an immune system suppressant. And those who say they have received a flu shot and never got sick… 1) You must have a healthy diet and exercise program or 2) you are simply not stating the truth.

For the past 5 years I haven't received a flu shot. On top of that for the past 3 years I haven't gotten sick either. (For everyone that is going to point out the fact that those 2 years that I did get sick, here's why. College Freshman/Sophomore. What do you think my favorite past time on the week days and weekends? yep you got it, Binge drinking the world's most harmful drug, Alcohol.) Anyways back on track, Flu shots also contain a tiny amount of Mercury in them. They don't tell you that, but they do.
Article #1

This is off topic, but Mercury is also evident in numerous of tooth fillings. This is my warning if you have a filling that contains mercury please. please, go into your dentist and have it removed and replaced with the new fillings that they offer without Mercury.

Watch the entirety or skip to 1:48 to see the Mercury effects on Brain Cells.

Pharmaceutical Sector is only working for the best of our interests, right? In my eyes and views. They can't be. I can't see a sector that doesn't acknowledge that vitamins and minerals are a healthy way to cure things. I can't comprehend how a pill is supposed to fix one problem but will have side effects that are worse than the original problem.

I think we all underestimate our bodies ability to fend off bacteria and viruses. I mean, yes, a diet of fast food and greasy meals aren't going to benefit our bodies. But if we strive to be healthy and improve our diet, I know the benefits will show up and that one can stay healthy all year round.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is the fact, that we don't have to rely on drugs to make us feel better, we don't have to rely on chemicals to fix things. We can use naturally found vitamins and minerals on this earth to help us become healthier people. And that healthier includes both mentally and physically. Most important if you know someone that you feel has depression. Tell them to take a supplement of Niacin (also known as Vitamin B3). Watch the changes. If they don't want to, give me 20 minutes with them, and I'll give them a whole new meaning to life.

Just a thought in this crazy world we call, Life.


Alastar Swift

ps. I do have to say (edit) because my friend, Kyle, introduced me two a whole new variable of MethylMercury and Ethylmercury. Now I have to research and find out some more stuff about this element.

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