Saturday, November 13, 2010

Old Acquaintances

I have been outside of Highschool for about.. I don't know 5 years? it's crazy to think about because man it feels like yesterday that I could almost relive all the crazy memories that I made in good ole ____ high school. (yes I blanked out my high school name, why… hmm it's not that important to know… ATM) But crazy enough. I ran into someone from my graduating class in my college town, and it took me by surprise! It was honestly the last person I thought I would see this weekend, but the great thing was, that we caught up and talked about crazy things. Sure we might have talked about crazy people in our graduating class, but at the same time.. Is it judging and saying bad thing when it's actually the truth of the person? 

This brings me to my 2nd thought… I only hold my view of someone when I meet them (as in talking to them for more than one minute, and think about it.. you can have a very informative conversation for 1 minute), or I observe any actions that they may carry out (for themselves or towards other people). I don't think that's really "judging" as I am drawing conclusions from what I have personally experienced and not what I have seen/saw of their outer appearance. I think that society has made such a terrible view of "judging" that people have personalize it so much, that they are able to trick themselves into thinking that they don't "judge" people. Which I think is bullshit. I will be honest I judge people sometime, do I like to??? No I don't. I try not to, because I don't want people to judge me off the bat before they realize who I am. But in this crazy world… where we only get one first impression.. things get quite fake and impersonal. or at least that is my view on networking and interviews. 

So I say screw all the professional, fake, and impersonal events that take place in this world. What happened to being yourself and not having to set your life to a certain standard of living. I believe in doing what you want, and everything else will fall in place, and if it doesn't.. maybe that is part of growing up and experiencing life which will lead you to a whole new perspective of your life. I do not like quotes nor using them, but this one is worth it.

"What goes around, comes around. Karma? Who said you can't be the 'comes around'." - Alastar Swift


Alastar Swift

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