Friday, December 24, 2010

This is to YOU, (and you know who you are)

As I progress into a fulfilled adulthood, I would like to share my old role model for all things that I may have  attributed to my nature of growing up. This person's name was Charles Woodson. He played for Michigan as an collegiate player. He was and is a BIG 10 icon. This was one of the first Defensive Players to win the Hiesman. You may ask why, but I would love you to watch this short video about Charles Woodson and his ridiculous plays that he made. Woodson Icon Part 1 I hope that you will click Part II of this video so that you can see this role model's actions towards the local community.

Anyways since I am on the topic of Michigan, I thought I would mention that ABC News stated that Holland, MI is one of the Happiest Places to live in America (Feb 2010). This is crazy, maybe I should move there after college and enjoy the happiest place in America. As ABC News states this town has the #1 priority of religion which makes the small town of 35,000 the happiest place to live. One reason that I looked this up is the fact that someone happened to "brag" about how awesome this town was. So obivously I had to look this up and make sure that this town can fulfill these standards. One fact that I found interesting was that this town had over 100 different volunteer based service organizations. I am not a fan of all volunteer services but some of them can be really fun. I would like to get into a servive where you get to paint different walls and buildings of a cities. I may not be able to fulfill the "awesome-ness" of the designs that are worthwhile to be put on the certain places but I would be willing to paint the spaces between the lines.

According to my clock it is, 3:06am and that enough has been said of Michigan. Besides the fact they beat Minnesota in football the past couple of years, I think this blog has been way overdue. With that said....


Alastar Swift

PS. The Fab Five of Michigan: Chris Webber, Juwan Howard, Jalen Rose, Jimmy King, Ray Jackson. Great Team except for the fact that Chris Webber didn't know that you couldn't call a Timeout without having a Timeout remaining... Smart Play C-Webb.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Surfing Youtube, as it's my favorite late night activity to find some more music. I remember in Highschool I didn't have the opportunity to hunt down new music and I used to burn CDs with my best friend, Billy, and cruise the home-town. Music is my passion, unfortunately I am musically declined at the moment but I am making strides to have some type of musical talent. I've been working on guitar for the past 3 years and hopefully in the next few years I will either pick up singing or piano. I'll most likely pick up whichever one is easier when I have to work full-time and pay off my AWESOME student loans. Anyways, I came across these talented people and I recommend to check them out further than these two links:

Cover #1
Cover #2

Now the two covers are of the same song, but by no means are they the same. You will realize what I mean when you listen to them. I stumbled upon the first one by clicking the piano player's piano cover, which he has some serious skills. Then I got to the second one from clicking on Anth's (the rapper) page. Crazy how you can find music from just surfing random videos. Got to love Technology!


Alastar Swift


Saturday, December 18, 2010

A New Friend on Christmas Break

Yep, you guessed it... I came home from college during my winter break to find out my dear mother brought home a new dog. Sophie, is her name... and she is a crazy Pomeranian. I've never seen such a small-hyper dog that can jump like 2 feet in the air. Since I've been home she has been bouncing off the walls. Crazy dog but I'm sure I'll grow to live with her.

I've only been home this weekend, which brings me to a new topic. Is it just me or are some of the latest movies going down the drain? I've watched three movies this weekend, Inception, Get Him to Greek, and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Now Inception wasn't a bad movie, I actually enjoyed it the second time. ( I saw it in theaters back in the day) The only bad thing was the fact that I watched South Park make fun of the movie so that definitely added a comical aspect to watching it again.

I made it through maybe.. maybe the first 20 minutes of GH2G and I had to shut it off. Just terrible acting, story-line was awful, and the lines were just bad. Maybe it just wasn't my type of humor, but I love movies so that's why I put in Scott Pilgrim vs the World. Thinking to myself this movie can't be as bad as Get Him to Greek. It wasn't as bad, but it was weird. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but it's just really weird. They pretty much threw together, Battle of the bands + Video games + Cheesy Love Story = Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Morale of the story, I should probably just pick better movies next time I'm in town... or I should just stick my documentaries that I enjoy watching.

Anyways, I have to take Sophie for a walk, until next time.


Alastar Swift

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Flu Shots are the Miracle to Everything?

This post, is about 5 months too late. This should have been one of the first posts. I do not, absolutely do not agree with Flu shots. Where I am currently employed I had to push flu shots, which I didn't and had to be told many times to offer them. Why I am so against them, you may ask? Well that is a great question, since I'm sure the thoughts that are going through your mind are: The Pharmaceutical Industry state that they are good and help prevent the common cold, H1N1, and etc. They wouldn't offer Flu Shots if they didn't work. I've got a flu shot and I never get sick… blah blah blah. Sorry for my rudeness but, honestly the Pharmaceutical sector is not out for the best interests of the people, flu shots do not improve your immune system, they are actually an immune system suppressant. And those who say they have received a flu shot and never got sick… 1) You must have a healthy diet and exercise program or 2) you are simply not stating the truth.

For the past 5 years I haven't received a flu shot. On top of that for the past 3 years I haven't gotten sick either. (For everyone that is going to point out the fact that those 2 years that I did get sick, here's why. College Freshman/Sophomore. What do you think my favorite past time on the week days and weekends? yep you got it, Binge drinking the world's most harmful drug, Alcohol.) Anyways back on track, Flu shots also contain a tiny amount of Mercury in them. They don't tell you that, but they do.
Article #1

This is off topic, but Mercury is also evident in numerous of tooth fillings. This is my warning if you have a filling that contains mercury please. please, go into your dentist and have it removed and replaced with the new fillings that they offer without Mercury.

Watch the entirety or skip to 1:48 to see the Mercury effects on Brain Cells.

Pharmaceutical Sector is only working for the best of our interests, right? In my eyes and views. They can't be. I can't see a sector that doesn't acknowledge that vitamins and minerals are a healthy way to cure things. I can't comprehend how a pill is supposed to fix one problem but will have side effects that are worse than the original problem.

I think we all underestimate our bodies ability to fend off bacteria and viruses. I mean, yes, a diet of fast food and greasy meals aren't going to benefit our bodies. But if we strive to be healthy and improve our diet, I know the benefits will show up and that one can stay healthy all year round.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is the fact, that we don't have to rely on drugs to make us feel better, we don't have to rely on chemicals to fix things. We can use naturally found vitamins and minerals on this earth to help us become healthier people. And that healthier includes both mentally and physically. Most important if you know someone that you feel has depression. Tell them to take a supplement of Niacin (also known as Vitamin B3). Watch the changes. If they don't want to, give me 20 minutes with them, and I'll give them a whole new meaning to life.

Just a thought in this crazy world we call, Life.


Alastar Swift

ps. I do have to say (edit) because my friend, Kyle, introduced me two a whole new variable of MethylMercury and Ethylmercury. Now I have to research and find out some more stuff about this element.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Finals Week --> Graduation

As I prepared to study for the great week of Finals so that I can graduate, it seems to me everyone else likes to crowd into the smaug, library, or my personal favorite, Baldwin. I actually decrease my studying ability when I go to campus, because I love to "people watch". Why you may ask, because you can see/hear a lot of interesting things just by observing. Like let's take this as an example. (fake names are used)

  • Mark: Dude I was talking to my roommate's brother and he goes to West Point. He was thinking if there were to be troops needed for North Korea, they'd definately start the draft.
  • Tom: I don't want to be drafted… I hope to god! That there isn't a war cause I know that North Korea is just a experiment.
  • Mark: What do you mean by experiment?
  • Tom: This may seem way crazy and out there. but stick with me... North Korea is a real communist/dictator country, those people honestly believe that Kim Jong Il is a God. Now there is no way.. that the UN or any other country.. can honestly let someone do that to an entire population… That's against humanity.
  • Mark: That's true 
  • Tom: With the talks about the EU and US with a secret agenda.. New World Order, I think that they let that happen, to see if people can be psychologically changed to believe something of that nature. To see if people's thoughts and perceptions can be altered to be at that level. Imagine that at a large scale.. a world wide scale. No one has an opinion other than that of the governments/dictator beliefs. Just a thought.
  • Mark: Yeah, ultra censor-ship.
  • Tom: Crazy in nature.. but if I can think of it… that means other people have to.. and it could be true. I hope to GOD I'm just crazy and the world is A LOT better than that.
  • Mark: Naw.. you're right. This world is just a shitshow.
  • Tom: Oh and another thought… Why the fuck would NK attack? Who is backing them up? Someone had to convince them to attack. It'd be honestly like the world versus little fucking NK. China? wouldn't back that shit up.. the only reason they would join their side.. is if US keeps fucking crossing their non-military sea borders. I mean, the US is fucking with China right now.. and that's not good.
  • Mark: Yeah.. the U.S. has always been dicks about that lol… They're just testing them
  • Tom: I hope it doesn't bite us in the ass. I don't want to go against those crazy fucking Asian kids
  • Mark: Yeah dude.. I hear you
Now I know, this opportunity to hear something of this nature doesn't always happen everyday. However, this is a crazy conversation that holds some truth to it. Now what I pull from this conversation and you may pull may be different. But  these two individuals seem to have backed up their ideas with solid logic. 

I'll leave you with something to think about today. I would like to find an explanation of the word, "try". Can you really "try" to do something? Or is it, you either do it or you don't. I find it especially funny when someone says, "I'm trying to think…" So are they thinking or are they not. I'm sitting here wondering… how do you NOT think. It's a funny little word that I think we all have overlooked. 


Alastar Swift

P.S. Yes, I eavesdrop… Please don't act like you don't either.